The first painting is one of the best loved paintings in Finland. The mother and the child expresses joy.
The painter of the second painting made 73 painting in 70 days. The painting found its way into the collection of the Ateneum 13 years after the painter's death.
The third painting is known all around the world. The painter thought that the thinker is at the gates of hell.
reproduction - jäljitelmä/kopio
bare - paljas
nursery rhyme - lasten loru
labelled - "leimattu"
contemporary - nykyaikainen
modest - nöyrä/vaatimaton
exhibition - näyttely
committee - toimikunta
worn out - kulunut/uupunut
pace - tahti
modernist - modernisti
sculpture - veistos
decade - vuosikymmen
authorized - valtuutettu
mold - muotti
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