torstai 14. tammikuuta 2016

Lovey Dovey

Titanic, Pretty Woman and The Notebook. These have been called the best romantic movies of all time. But what is it in romantic movies that they get so much attention? Why do they appeal to us? I believe that we are interested in complicated and difficult relationships which we can identify with.

  One good example of a tricky relationship is a film called The Fault in Our Stars. Directed by Josh Boone and based on a novel by John Green, the film received a lot of good feedback and attention. The film is about two teenagers who both have cancer and they fall in love. After a delightful and happy time the boy unexpectedly dies which made the end of the movie a very tragic and sad. These kinds of stories are what most of us are fascinated by.

  What appealed to me the most in this movie is that they were both in a difficult situation but yet they found love and each other. The fact that they both got cancer was one reason why the movie appealed to me. I’ve lost one of my family members to cancer so this subject is very close to me and it’s also one reason why this movie was very touching.

        Overall, this movie is one of the best romantic movies I’ve ever seen and I recommend this to everyone! If you’re as “lovescatty” as me, I’m sure you’ll love this.

My Life In Pictures

This is my dog Chok. Well he's not my dog anymore because we gave him away. Chok was my bestfriend and I miss him everyday! I've always loved all kinds of animals but after Chok I've began to care more about animals. 

Me and my dear friend having a road trip. I'm a very spontaneous person and I love extempore trips! This picture brings me back all good memories from last summer. 

My dear friend Iina. I love her! We've known eachother for years and we always have good time! This picture was taken in Porvoo where we went last summer. 

Food food food! This is from a food festival in London where we went in last October. I've always loved exotic food so the festival felt like heaven to me. 

Helsinki. <3 Even though I want to move to some other place when I grow up, I love Helsinki. This picture is taken few years ago but this brings me good summer vibes. 

Visual Arts Reading + Vocabulary

1. Urbaaneista väliintuloista, katukylttien muuttamisesta ja poliisien, sotilaiden, lasten ja julkkisten kritisoinnista.
2. Nalle Puh.
3. Poliisien ja sotilaiden toimintaa.

1. Ei ollut varmuutta siitä, että maalaukset olisivat aitoja.
2. Yksi.
3. Myydä ne huutokaupassa Lontoossa.
4. Toisessa on kaksi lasta seisomassa aseista ja pommeista muodostuneen kumpulan päällä. Ja toisessa on Nalle Puh istumassa puun alla itkien, hunajapurkki maassa ja toinen jalka karhun ansassa.
5. Hän leikki piilosta viranomaisten ja fanien kanssa.
6. Poliisit.
7. Koska poliisit.

1. It was not surprising
2. outragerously expensive
3. for a fraction of the price
4. proved
6. are going to auction
7. authenticated By
8. could fetch up to
9. pile
10. discarted
11. played hide and seek
12. has been cancelled
13. due to police activity
14. set up a stall
15. canvases
16. one off
17. anticipating
18. stepping in

This article tells how Banksy painted Apple founder Steve Jobs and wants to remind people that he was a son of Syrian immigrants.

Visual Arts LC

The first painting is one of the best loved paintings in Finland. The mother and the child expresses joy.
The painter of the second painting made 73 painting in 70 days. The painting found its way into the collection of the Ateneum 13 years after the painter's death.
The third painting is known all around the world. The painter thought that the thinker is at the gates of hell.

reproduction - jäljitelmä/kopio
bare - paljas
nursery rhyme - lasten loru
labelled - "leimattu"
contemporary - nykyaikainen
modest - nöyrä/vaatimaton
exhibition - näyttely
committee - toimikunta
worn out - kulunut/uupunut
pace - tahti
modernist - modernisti
sculpture - veistos
decade - vuosikymmen
authorized - valtuutettu
mold - muotti

The Guardian Film Show

Hunger Games Mockingjay - Part 2
This film is said to be less entertaining than the previous Hunger Games -films.

This film had very negative feedback. Only good thing about the film is said to be one of the actors.

The Perfect Guy
This film was a total disappointment for the reviewers.

The Dressmaker
This film is said to be very confusing and weird.

I haven't seen any of these films. If I needed to watch one it would probably be the Hunger Games Mockingjay - Part 2. I have seen the previous Hunger Games -films so it would be interesting to see this one. The other ones didn't impress me as the reviewers had so much negative things to say about them.